Training open to the world
Reasons to study at the University of Lleida

University with recognized academic and social prestige. Founded in 1297.
Individualized treatment. Dynamic and open. Affordable accommodation
Blended modality:
• It combines online classes with face-to-face sessions, allowing flexibility in studies.
• In master's degrees, only two trips a year are required to attend face-to-face conferences, facilitating professional development without compromising other responsibilities. Classes in Spanish or English taught in different groups by professors with doctorates, recognized worldwide.
• This program is aimed at both recent graduates and professionals who wish to expand their knowledge, specialize and improve their clinical skills.
Duration and structure:
• The master's degree can last 1 year (60 ECTS) or be extended to 2 years (120 ECTS).
• Theoretical classes are carried out through the virtual campus and preclinical internships at the UdL.
Cost and method of payment:
• The total cost is €6,000, with single payment options or in three instalments (registration, September and October).
Clinical Practices:
• They can be validated by previous experience, or carried out in centres proposed by the student or at partner universities.
Application for a place: • The registration process is managed through the UdL portal, with the presentation of the required documentation (CV, university degree in the case of Masters, etc.), or by requesting the pre-registration document.
If you need more information, particular details, organization and cost of the proposed clinical practices, do not hesitate to contact us: • You can call 681 000 111 and ask for the coordinator of the master's degree, Dr. Antonio Mesalles. • Or, you can contact by WhatsApp at 606 867 120.

Professional preparation for the world of work